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What is Contingency Payroll?
HR, UKG ProWhat is Contingency Payroll: Contingency payroll is a term used to describe backup payroll processing support typically used in emergency situations. At Mosaic, we offer contingency payroll services to UKG Pro clients. Clients who seek contingency payroll services typically fall in one of two categories: Event Preparedness: Clients will seek out contingency payroll service as a proactive support model […]
Automated Integrations with UKG Pro: Everything in One Place
Optimization, UKG ProValue of Automation Regardless of your industry, automation can help you grow, innovate and succeed. It is a great tool and asset that is constantly improving the way we do business. If you have any process or procedure that can be automated, it is very important that you consider it. Gained time and resources are […]
5 Keys To Unlocking Year End
Strategy, UKG Pro, Yearly PlanningIt’s that time of year again – time to prep for year end. Year End can be a hectic time for you and your team but UKG Pro has the tools you need to stay on track and make this the smoothest year end yet. In the past, we’ve covered The Many Moving Parts of a […]
UKG Pro General Ledger (GL): Deciphered
HR, UKG ProUKG Pro contains General Ledger functionality that captures payroll transactions and outputs them into a file formatted for import into your company’s financial system. When implemented and configured correctly, this GL function can eliminate or reduce manual manipulation of the data — which in turn reduces human error and improves compliance. Auditors love this type […]
Open Enrollment: Simplified
Strategy, UKG Pro, Yearly PlanningUltiPro offers you a variety of tools to help make open enrollment easier for your HR and payroll team. Whether you have an employee population of 30 or 30,000, the basic tenets of open enrollment are the same: develop a good attack plan and start early! Essential steps of your strategic plan for Open Enrollment […]
Mosaic Consulting Group Named to 2019 Inc. 5000
Mosaic NewsMosaic Consulting Group, LLC, a Nashville-based HR technology consulting firm, has been named to Inc. Magazine’s Inc. 5000 list. Mosaic made this year’s list at No. 3399 nationally. This year’s Inc. 5000 ranking is Mosaic’s second appearance on the list. Mosaic first hit the Inc. 5000 in 2018, at No. 1889. Only one in four companies who […]