Embarking on a journey to implement a comprehensive Human Capital Management (HCM) system like UKG Pro® is a significant step for any organization. It involves navigating through complexities, making crucial decisions, and ensuring a seamless transition. With Mosaic Consulting Group as your trusted partner, you can approach this endeavor with confidence. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the key advantages of Mosaic’s exclusive UKG Pro® Client Side Support and how it can make your implementation journey smoother and more successful.

Q: What is Mosaic’s Client Side Support, and why is it essential for UKG Pro® implementations?

A: Mosaic’s Client Side Support is a tailored service designed to assist organizations throughout the implementation of UKG Pro®. It offers guidance, expertise, and hands-on assistance to ensure a seamless transition to the new system. With Mosaic by your side, you have access to experienced consultants who understand the intricacies of UKG Pro® and can help you navigate the implementation process effectively.

Q: What are the key benefits of Mosaic’s Client Side Support during a UKG Pro® implementation?

A: Mosaic’s Client Side Support provides several benefits, including:

1. Predictable Implementation: With Mosaic’s expertise in UKG’s Implementation Methodology, you can expect a predictable implementation process without unwelcome surprises.

2. Expert Guidance: Mosaic acts as your guiding light, helping you navigate the complexities of UKG Pro® and ensuring that you make informed decisions that align with your company’s objectives.

3. Customized Support: Mosaic offers fully customizable support tailored to your organization’s specific needs, ensuring that you get the most value from their services.

Q: Why should organizations choose Mosaic Consulting Group for their UKG Pro® implementation?

A: There are several reasons why Mosaic Consulting Group stands out as the ideal partner for UKG Pro® implementations:

1. Experience: With hundreds of successful implementations under their belt, Mosaic is a trusted and experienced partner that can guide organizations through every step of the process.

2. Thorough Analysis: Mosaic helps organizations conduct a thorough analysis of their needs and opportunities, ensuring that they make informed decisions throughout the implementation process.

3. Communication and Training: Mosaic offers comprehensive communication strategies, messaging plans, and training programs to ensure a smooth transition for the entire organization.

4. Strategic Planning: Mosaic’s strategic planning sessions provide a top-to-bottom examination of the current HCM software, aligning technology with strategic goals for optimized performance.

A successful UKG Pro® implementation requires careful planning, expert guidance, and a tailored approach to meet the organization’s unique needs. With Mosaic Consulting Group’s Client Side Support, organizations can embark on their implementation journey with confidence, knowing that they have a trusted partner by their side. From predictability and expertise to customization and experience, Mosaic offers everything needed to ensure a seamless transition to UKG Pro® and long-term success. Don’t navigate the implementation process alone; let Mosaic Consulting Group be your guide to achieving your HCM goals with UKG Pro®.

1. What is Change Management and Why is it Important?
Change management involves facilitating the successful implementation of organizational changes, such as software upgrades or process modifications. It ensures that employees understand and embrace the changes, maximizing the benefits and minimizing disruptions to operations. Effective change management is vital for maintaining competitiveness, fostering growth, and ensuring smooth transitions during periods of change.

2. How Does Mosaic Consulting Group Approach Change Management?
At Mosaic Consulting Group, we approach change management as a proactive and collaborative process. We prioritize open dialogue, transparent communication, and stakeholder engagement to foster alignment and collaboration within the organization. Our experienced consultants work closely with clients to develop customized change management plans tailored to their specific needs and objectives.

3. What Are the Key Components of Effective Change Management?
Effective change management involves several key components, including:

• Transparent communication: Sharing the rationale behind the change, how it will unfold, and how it will benefit operations.
• Stakeholder engagement: Involving employees at all levels early on in the change process to address questions, concerns, and resistance.
• Training and support: Providing employees with the knowledge and resources they need to adapt to the changes effectively.
• Leadership buy-in and support: Securing commitment from leadership to champion the change and lead by example.
• Monitoring progress: Continuously assessing and adjusting the change management plan based on feedback and outcomes.

How Does Mosaic Consulting Group Help Organizations Navigate Change?

Mosaic Consulting Group offers comprehensive change management consulting services to help organizations navigate transitions effectively. Our experienced consultants work closely with clients to develop and implement customized change management strategies aligned with their goals and objectives. We provide support throughout the entire change process, from planning and communication to training and implementation, ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing the benefits of the change.

Who Would Benefit from Mosaic’s Change Management Services?

Any organization undergoing significant changes, such as implementing new software like UKG Pro or migrating to newer versions of existing software, can benefit from Mosaic’s change management services. Additionally, organizations looking to optimize their use of UKG modules or improve employee engagement and adoption of new processes would benefit from our expertise in change management.

Change management is a critical aspect of any organizational transition, and effective change management consulting can make all the difference in ensuring a smooth and successful change process. Mosaic Consulting Group offers comprehensive change management services tailored to the unique needs of each client, helping organizations navigate transitions with confidence and achieve their desired outcomes. Whether implementing new software, updating processes, or driving cultural change, partnering with Mosaic can help organizations realize their full potential and thrive in today’s dynamic business environment.

Q1: What sets UKG software apart from other HR and payroll solutions in the market?

A1: UKG software stands out for its tailored approach. Unlike one-size-fits-all solutions, UKG offers a modular design, allowing businesses to customize the platform according to their unique needs. This adaptability sets UKG apart, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with the objectives of your organization.

Q2: How does UKG’s unified platform contribute to operational efficiency?

A2: The unified platform integrates HR, payroll, timekeeping, and workforce management into a cohesive system. This consolidation eliminates silos, streamlining processes, and fostering efficiency across the organization. With all essential functions centralized, your team can navigate tasks seamlessly, enhancing overall productivity.

Q3: How does UKG leverage data to drive growth and informed decision-making?

A3: UKG’s data-driven insights are a game-changer. By analyzing real-time data, businesses can identify workforce trends, areas for improvement, and opportunities for growth. This empowers decision-makers with the information needed to make strategic and informed choices that contribute to the overall success of the company.

Q4: How does UKG enhance the employee experience?

A4: Employee experience is paramount, and UKG recognizes this. The software offers self-service tools, mobile access, and personalized benefits options, creating an exceptional work environment. By prioritizing the needs of employees, UKG helps boost engagement, morale, and overall productivity.

Q5: How does UKG simplify HR and payroll compliance?

A5: Navigating the complex landscape of HR and payroll compliance can be challenging. UKG simplifies this process by automatically updating tax and labor regulations. With robust security features in place, UKG ensures that your organization remains compliant, mitigating the risk of costly penalties.

Q6: Is UKG software scalable for businesses at different stages of growth?

A6: Absolutely. UKG’s scalability is a key feature. As your business grows and evolves, so can your use of UKG software. With flexible pricing plans and scalable solutions, UKG provides the necessary support and resources at every stage of your business journey.

Q7: How can UKG help my business unlock its full potential?

A7: UKG is more than a software solution; it’s a catalyst for success. By integrating essential HR and payroll functions, providing actionable insights, enhancing the employee experience, and ensuring compliance, UKG helps your organization unlock its full potential. Embrace UKG, and elevate your business to new heights of success.

Ready to start today? Learn more here.

In the realm of managed payroll services, one name stands out as an epitome of precision and professionalism – UKG. In this dynamic landscape, where payroll intricacies demand mastery, UKG emerges as a reliable partner, transforming challenges into opportunities. Let’s explore how UKG’s commitment to accuracy, customization, stellar support, seamless integration, and compliance expertise positions them as leaders in the payroll solutions arena.

1. Precision Unleashed: Elevating Payroll Accuracy
The paramount concern in payroll management is the potential for inaccuracies and errors. UKG rises to the occasion, deploying cutting-edge technology and stringent processes to ensure flawless payroll processing. The result? A payroll that aligns seamlessly with compliance standards and meets the highest precision benchmarks.

2. Tailored Solutions for Your Distinct Needs
Recognizing that one-size-fits-all approaches fall short, UKG takes pride in offering personalized solutions. Tailoring their services to meet the specific requirements of each client ensures a streamlined payroll process without the confusion often associated with generic offerings.

3. Support Excellence: A Pillar of Assurance
Responsive customer support is paramount in the payroll domain. UKG excels in this regard, providing a support framework that is not merely a service but a partnership. Clients benefit from prompt assistance, ensuring that payroll challenges are met with efficiency and professionalism.

4. Seamless Integration for Operational Harmony
Integration complexities often pose challenges during the implementation of managed payroll services. UKG stands out by simplifying the integration process, ensuring compatibility with existing HR and accounting systems. This approach minimizes disruptions and facilitates a smooth transition to their comprehensive payroll platform.

5. Compliance Expertise: Navigating Regulatory Landscapes
In the intricate web of compliance and regulatory requirements, UKG shines as an industry leader. Their commitment to staying abreast of local and industry-specific regulations ensures that clients experience a seamless payroll process without the fear of penalties or legal consequences.

Why UKG?

Beyond addressing common challenges, UKG enhances your business in the following ways:

• Efficiency Amplified: UKG’s advanced technology and refined processes elevate payroll efficiency, providing businesses with more time to focus on strategic objectives.

• Scalability for Growth: With scalable solutions, UKG empowers businesses to expand without the hindrance of complex payroll management, serving as a reliable ally in their growth journey.

• Confidence in Compliance: UKG instills confidence by delivering accuracy, reliability, and adherence to compliance standards, offering clients peace of mind in their payroll operations.


UKG redefines managed payroll services with a blend of precision, professionalism, and a client-centric approach. For businesses seeking a partner to navigate the complexities of payroll seamlessly, UKG emerges as the beacon of excellence.


Elevate your payroll experience with UKG – where accuracy meets adaptability, and professionalism takes center stage.

While adopting these solutions is a significant step, ensuring your team can navigate and leverage them effectively is equally essential. Enter UKG Customized Training by Mosaic Consulting Group, a tailored training solution designed to elevate your business operations. In this blog post, we’ll explore the foundations of UKG training and delve into how customization can drive efficiency and productivity.

The Foundation: UKG Training
Before diving into the customized approach, it’s essential to establish the foundation. Mosaic offers specialized training for both UKG Pro and UKG Dimensions, providing a solid orientation to the system’s capabilities. This foundational training sets the stage for a comprehensive understanding of the software.

Customized Training: Tailored to Your Needs
Once the groundwork is laid, UKG Customized Training takes center stage, offering a personalized and strategic approach to meet the unique needs of your organization. Let’s explore how this tailored training solution can make a significant impact on your business:

1. Personalized to Your Unique Requirements:
Recognizing the distinct challenges and goals of each organization, UKG Customized Training is crafted with a personalized touch. Working closely with your team, Mosaic identifies specific training needs and tailors content to address them effectively.

2. Deeper Learning and Communication:
While the initial training provides a broad overview, customized training delves deeper into the intricacies of your system. It goes beyond basics, addressing the unique challenges and opportunities your business faces. Effective communication, a cornerstone of successful workforce management, is emphasized to ensure your team is well-equipped.

3. Super User Training for UKG Dimensions:
For users of UKG Dimensions, Mosaic offers specialized Super User Training. This goes beyond end-user training, empowering key individuals within your organization to take ownership of the system. Super User Training optimizes workforce management, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.

A Comprehensive Training Toolkit:
Mosaic’s UKG Customized Training comes equipped with a diverse range of resources, creating a comprehensive toolkit to support your team’s learning journey:

1. Job Aides: Quick Guides for Efficiency
Job Aides are personalized quick guides offering step-by-step instructions for specific tasks within the UKG system. Customized to your work environment, these resources simplify complex processes, ensuring efficient navigation.

2. Playbooks: Detailed Manuals for Comprehensive Understanding
Playbooks are detailed manuals focusing on individual modules within the system. They provide comprehensive guidance on processes, making them invaluable resources for various aspects of workforce management.

3. Instructional Videos: Visual Learning at Its Best
Visual learning is facilitated through instructional videos that walk your team through various tasks within the system. Customized for your environment, these videos offer a dynamic and engaging learning experience.

4. Virtual Instructor-Led Training: Real-Time Learning
Virtual instructor-led training sessions feature PowerPoint presentations and live demonstrations within your specific environment. This ensures that your team can apply what they learn in real-time, enhancing the learning experience.

5. Train-the-Trainers: Empowering Your Internal Teams
The Train-the-Trainers program prepares your internal teams to effectively conduct training sessions for end-users. This approach ensures a cascading effect of knowledge throughout your organization.

Mosaic’s UKG Customized Training isn’t just about training; it’s a strategic investment in empowering your team to unlock the full potential of your UKG system. With personalized resources and tailored support, you can maximize efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, the success of your business. Elevate your workforce management capabilities with a customized approach that aligns with your unique organizational needs.

Integrating UKG software into your organization promises substantial benefits by enhancing HR and workforce management processes. To ensure a seamless transition and unlock the full potential of this powerful workforce management solution, our blog explores the best practices for implementation, offering valuable insights and tips.

1. Clearly Define Objectives and Scope
Start by setting clear objectives and scope for your UKG software implementation. Address specific pain points and establish realistic expectations, ensuring alignment across your organization.

2. Thoroughly Assess and Prepare Your Data
Data migration is pivotal; assess the quality and completeness of your existing data. Cleanse and standardize it for accuracy, involving stakeholders from various departments to gather specific data requirements.

3. Engage Key Stakeholders Early
Involve key stakeholders from different departments early in the process. Their input is vital for aligning the software with your organization’s needs. Regular communication, workshops, and training sessions ensure their concerns are addressed.

4. Plan and Prioritize Configuration
Leverage the configurability of UKG software by creating a detailed plan based on your requirements. Prioritize tasks based on impact and complexity, utilizing the expertise of implementation consultants and your internal team.

5. Develop Comprehensive Training Programs
Invest in comprehensive training programs covering system functionality and process-specific training. Consider diverse learning styles and preferences, offering ongoing training and support to help users adapt.

6. Test and Validate
Before the organization-wide rollout, conduct thorough testing to validate functionality and configuration. Involve end-users for feedback and address any issues before final implementation.

7. Establish Change Management Strategies
Craft a comprehensive change management plan involving communication, training, and ongoing support. Engage employees at all levels, effectively communicating the benefits of the new system and aligning it with organizational goals.

8. Monitor, Evaluate, and Optimize
Post-implementation, monitor the system’s performance, evaluate its impact, and establish key performance indicators (KPIs). Leverage reporting and analytics capabilities to make data-driven decisions and optimize configuration and processes.

Remember, undergoing a UKG implementation is a time-consuming process, but with the right configuration, the payoff is incredible. If you’re considering expert support, enlist Mosaic to guide you through each step, minimizing your workload and ensuring a successful setup. Get in touch, and let’s discuss how Mosaic can assist you in achieving your goals with the UKG system!

Thinking about diving into the world of UKG product suite implementation? Look no further – Mosaic is your dedicated UKG partner with 12+ years of expertise. We’re not just consultants; we’re your pals on this transformative journey.

Why Choose Mosaic?

1. Certified UKG Experts:
• We’ve got a team of over 100 UKG experts, certified in every module and product.
• We know this stuff inside out, making sure you’re in good hands.

2. Easy-Peasy Methodology:
• Our approach goes beyond the norm, ensuring you not only launch successfully but align every step with your goals.

How We Do It:

Step 1: Align
• Get on the Same Page: We kick things off by understanding your needs through workshops.
• Smart Recommendations: We suggest configurations based on best practices, setting the stage for a tailored implementation.

Step 2: Review & Recommend
• Insider Insights: We share insights from workshops, making sure nothing’s left out.
• Smooth Integration: Our experts analyze integrations to craft a seamless plan.

Step 3: Build
• Set the Foundation: We configure, convert data, and build integrations – making everything solid.

Step 4: Test
• Rigorous Checks: We follow best practices in testing to ensure everything runs like clockwork.
• Adapt as Needed: Additional testing is our thing, guaranteeing a flawless system.

Step 5: Deploy
• Easy Transition: We guide you through deployment, making sure it’s as smooth as butter.

Who Can Benefit?
• Newbies to the implementation game.
• Those avoiding the traditional lift-and-shift.
• Smart thinkers future-proofing their system.
• Businesses dealing with staff changes.
• Folks wanting a fresh take on their system.
• Anyone unsure where to start.

What’s in it for You?
• Access to the Mosaic dream team.
• Implementation that’s simple and industry-approved.
• A foolproof method for guaranteed success.

Our Customers Say:
“Partnering with Mosaic has been fabulous… If you have any concerns about your implementation or training, call Mosaic immediately – they’ve got your back!”

Ready to make UKG implementation a breeze? Learn more here. Let’s rock this journey together – success is calling!

Are you considering implementing the UKG® product suite for your organization? Look no further. Mosaic, your dedicated certified UKG® Partner with over 12 years of experience, is here to guide you every step of the way.

Our team of 100+ UKG® experts, certified in every UKG® module and product, is ready to ensure your implementation journey is smooth and successful. We understand the complexities and intricacies of such systems, and we’re prepared to support your team.

What sets Mosaic apart is our unique, best-practice-driven implementation methodology. We go beyond the standard approach to tailor your product suite launch to your specific goals and outcomes.

Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect when you partner with Mosaic:

• Strategic Alignment: We’ll work with you to align your implementation strategy, conduct SWOT analyses, and facilitate workshops to understand your unique needs and objectives.

• Review & Recommend: Our experts will provide you with insights and recommendations based on the discovery from workshops. We’ll ensure that any gaps are closed and that integration analysis is solid before moving forward.

• Build: We’ll configure your requirements, handle data conversion, and build the necessary integrations to make your system run seamlessly.

• Test: Rigorous testing is a crucial part of our methodology. We’ll perform system testing, risk management, user acceptance testing, parallel testing, and conduct reconfigurations and additional testing as needed.

• Deploy: Our team will support you through the parallel and cutover phases to ensure a smooth transition.

This comprehensive approach benefits a range of clients, from those new to system implementations to those looking to think outside the box. If you’ve experienced staff turnover, want a fresh perspective on your current system, or simply aren’t sure where to start, Mosaic has your back.

By partnering with Mosaic, you gain access to a team of experts, implementation using best practices and industry standards, and a proven methodology. We’re here to make your UKG product suite implementation a resounding success.

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, access to insightful data is critical for making informed decisions. UKG Pro offers a powerful Business Intelligence (BI) tool called People Analytics or Cognos Analytics, designed to provide operational insights that go beyond standard reports. However, the question is, do you have what you need to harness the full potential of BI reporting? Mosaic can help you bridge that gap and leverage the information required to convey essential insights throughout your organization.

Comprehensive Visibility into Workforce Metrics

UKG Pro BI reporting is a game-changer when standard reports fall short. With Mosaic’s UKG Pro BI report building services, you can unlock a wealth of information related to your workforce. This includes employee demographics, benefits, time and attendance, labor costs, and employee performance metrics. By working with our consultants, you’ll gain the ability to analyze this data effectively and develop custom reports that align with your specific organizational goals.

Optimizing HR Strategies

One of the primary benefits of our BI reporting services is the ability to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), identify trends, and make data-driven decisions. This empowers you to optimize your HR strategies in a way that enhances productivity and reduces costs. Here are some of the ways in which Mosaic’s UKG Pro BI reporting services can benefit your organization:

1. Present Key Metrics to Your Leadership Teams: Our reports allow you to present essential metrics to your leadership teams, ensuring they have the insights needed to make strategic decisions.

2. Reduce Costs and Increase Productivity: By identifying areas for improvement and efficiencies, you can effectively reduce costs and boost overall productivity.

3. Discover Gaps and New Efficiencies: Our BI reports help you discover gaps in your current processes and find new efficiencies that can drive growth and improvement.

4. Manage and Automate Regulatory Compliance: Stay on top of regulatory compliance and government reporting with automated processes, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

5. Detect and Prevent Fraud and Abuse: Use BI reporting to detect irregularities and potential fraud, helping you maintain the integrity of your HR operations.

In conclusion, Mosaic’s UKG Pro BI reporting services are designed to provide you with the tools and insights necessary to make data-driven decisions, optimize HR strategies, and enhance your overall organizational performance. With comprehensive visibility into key workforce metrics, you can unlock the full potential of BI reporting and stay ahead in today’s competitive business environment. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to maximize your results with UKG BI reports and let Mosaic be your trusted partner in this journey.

At Mosaic Consulting Group, we’re all about making your UKG Pro® journey smooth, efficient, and tailored to your needs. We’re like your trusty sidekick for your UKG Pro® implementation.

Full Suite Client Side Launch Support: No Surprises, Just Success

We know that setting up UKG Pro® can be a bit overwhelming. But guess what? You don’t have to do it alone! We’re not new to this. As a certified UKG Partner, we know the ropes. We’ve got your back and will guide you through it all, making sure you’re well-prepared.

Set Up for Success with Mosaic

When you pick us as your partner, we give you a Launch expert who will be with you every step of the way. They’ll do a lot of the heavy lifting, get to know your unique needs, and make sure you’re all set for success with your new system.

What Mosaic Offers:

Access to our whole team of experts.
Support tailored just for you.

Why Choose Mosaic?

1. We Know Our Stuff: We’ve done this hundreds of times. We’re not newbies. We can help you, advise you, and make your implementation a breeze.

2. We’ll Help You Think It Through: We’re here to answer your questions and help you make the best decisions. We’re like your wise old owl when it comes to UKG Pro®.

3. Communication and Training: We’ll help you communicate changes to your team and put together plans for everyone. We’ve got your back when it comes to training, too.

4. Planning for Success: We’ll take a close look at your current HCM software and make sure you’re all set for a smooth transition to UKG Pro.

Who Can Benefit from Mosaic’s Help?

Our support is perfect for all kinds of clients, including:

• Those new to the whole implementation thing.
• Those who want a thoughtful approach instead of rushing through.
• Those who want a system that stays up-to-date.
• Those who need a hand due to staff changes.
• Those looking for fresh ideas about how to use their current system.
• Those who aren’t sure where to start.

To sum it up, Mosaic’s here to make your UKG Pro® journey as smooth as possible. We’re your experienced guides, your helpful advisors, and your partner in making your implementation a success. Let’s get started!