Q: What is Optimization Planning by Mosaic Consulting Group?

A: Optimization Planning is a comprehensive strategic system review conducted by Mosaic Consulting Group. It involves assessing current issues and concerns within your system and providing analysis and recommendations for aligning the UKG system with organizational initiatives. The deliverables include a final report and sample prioritization based on best practices and identified success criteria.

Q: When should I consider leveraging Mosaic’s Optimization Planning?

A: There are several scenarios where Optimization Planning can be highly beneficial:

  • Significant business growth
  • Acquisitions
  • High turnover in HR or Payroll
  • Training needs
  • Upcoming module additions
  • Lack of subject matter expertise
  • Rushed implementation
  • Lift & shift launch

Q: Why is optimizing my UKG system so crucial?

A: Optimizing your UKG system is a game-changer for several reasons:

  • Tailored Workforce Management: Every organization has unique needs, and optimization allows you to customize the UKG system to fit your workforce perfectly. This customization leads to increased productivity, employee satisfaction, and improved customer service.
  • Enhanced Reporting and Analytics: Optimization unlocks the full potential of UKG’s reporting and analytics features, providing profound insights into your workforce data. Customized reporting allows you to make data-driven decisions that drive performance improvements.
  • Improved User Experience: Optimizing UKG software enhances user-friendliness and intuitiveness, boosting adoption rates and employee engagement. Simplifying complex HR processes reduces manual work and automates routine tasks.
  • Keeping Up with Updates: Regular software updates bring new features and enhancements. Optimization ensures you stay up-to-date with the latest functionalities and remain compliant with evolving regulations.
  • Scalability and Growth: Optimization facilitates seamless scalability as your organization grows. It allows you to configure the system for new locations, business units, or workforce types, ensuring that UKG remains a high-performing ally in your growth journey.

Q: How does optimizing my UKG software benefit my organization in the long run?

A: Optimizing your UKG software transforms it from a mere tool into a transformative force. It aligns the system with your unique needs, maximizes efficiency, and drives business success. Whether it’s streamlining processes, gaining deeper insights, or adapting to growth, optimization ensures that UKG remains a strategic asset for your organization’s future success.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your UKG software? Mosaic Consulting Group is your trusted ally on this journey. Let’s connect and explore how Optimization Planning can align with your organization’s goals and drive lasting impact.

UKG® stands at the forefront of human capital management, providing organizations with a robust suite of solutions to streamline HR processes and elevate workforce management. From the intricacies of timekeeping to the nuances of talent management, UKG software proves to be a powerhouse. However, the journey doesn’t end with implementation; the true magic lies in optimization. In this blog post, we unravel the significance of optimizing UKG software and why it should be a strategic priority for organizations seeking to maximize their return on investment (ROI).

Tailored Workforce Management: One Size Doesn’t Fit All
Every organization is a universe unto itself, with distinctive needs dictated by size, industry, and business goals. Optimizing UKG software allows organizations to sculpt the system to fit their workforce like a bespoke suit. From configuring scheduling rules to fine-tuning time and attendance policies, customization ensures that the system aligns seamlessly with organizational policies and compliance requirements. The result? A workforce managed with precision, leading to heightened productivity, employee satisfaction, and exemplary customer service.

Enhanced Reporting and Analytics: Power in Your Hands
While UKG software comes armed with robust reporting and analytics features, optimization is the key that unlocks their full potential. Fine-tuning these capabilities to align with your specific reporting needs – be it custom dashboards, personalized reports, or advanced analytics – empowers organizations with profound insights. With optimized reporting, organizations can decipher workforce data, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions that propel performance improvements.

Improved User Experience: Making Complexity Simple
Optimizing UKG software isn’t just about functionality; it’s about crafting an unparalleled user experience. Customizing the system to reflect your brand, policies, and processes enhances user-friendliness and intuitiveness. This, in turn, boosts adoption rates and elevates employee engagement. A well-optimized UKG system simplifies complex HR processes, reduces manual interventions, and automates routine tasks – a win-win for HR administrators and employees alike.

Keeping Up with Software Updates: Evolving with Excellence
The world of technology never stands still, and neither does UKG. Regular software updates bring new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. Optimization ensures you stay at the forefront, benefiting from the latest functionalities and maintaining compliance with evolving regulations. It’s a proactive approach that safeguards against compliance violations and keeps your system finely tuned to industry standards.

Scalability and Growth: Adapting to Tomorrow’s Needs
For organizations on a growth trajectory, optimization is the linchpin. As your workforce expands and business dynamics change, your UKG software must evolve in tandem. Optimization facilitates seamless scalability, allowing organizations to configure the system for new locations, business units, or workforce types. It ensures that the software remains a high-performing ally, even as your organization charts new territories.

Optimizing your UKG software is the strategic move that transforms it from a tool to a transformative force. Ready to unlock the full potential of your UKG software? Mosaic is your ally in this journey. Let’s connect and explore how optimization can align with your unique needs.

Managing the entire employee lifecycle efficiently is crucial for any organization’s success. From onboarding new employees to facilitating their growth and development, and ultimately handling offboarding processes, each stage plays a significant role in shaping the overall employee experience. To streamline these processes, organizations are increasingly turning to technology solutions like UKG, which offers comprehensive tools and features to manage the employee lifecycle seamlessly. Let’s explore how UKG’s products can help organizations effectively navigate the entire employee lifecycle, from onboarding to offboarding.

  1. Onboarding: A Strong Foundation for Success
    Onboarding sets the stage for a new employee’s success and integration into the organization. UKG simplifies and automates the onboarding process, ensuring a smooth transition for new hires. Through UKG’s onboarding modules, HR teams can efficiently manage tasks such as collecting necessary documentation, completing compliance forms, and creating personalized welcome materials. Additionally, the software enables organizations to design customized onboarding workflows, track progress, and provide necessary training resources. By leveraging UKG, companies can enhance the onboarding experience, promote engagement, and accelerate new hires’ productivity.
  2. Performance Management: Cultivating Growth and Development
    Once employees are onboarded, it is crucial to provide ongoing support for their growth and development. UKG offers robust performance management tools that enable organizations to set clear goals, provide continuous feedback, and conduct regular performance evaluations. Through performance tracking and analytics, managers can identify strengths, areas for improvement, and create development plans tailored to individual employees. This integrated approach to performance management helps foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the organization.
  3. Workforce Management: Optimizing Productivity
    Efficiently managing employee schedules, time tracking, and attendance is vital for optimizing productivity and maintaining compliance. UKG’s workforce management capabilities provide organizations with the tools to streamline these processes. The software offers features such as shift scheduling, time and attendance tracking, leave management, and absence reporting. With these tools, organizations can minimize scheduling conflicts, accurately track employee hours, and ensure compliance with labor regulations. By optimizing workforce management, businesses can increase productivity and control labor costs effectively.
  4. Talent Acquisition: Attracting and Hiring Top Talent
    To sustain growth and success, organizations must continuously attract and hire top talent. UKG offers robust talent acquisition features to streamline and simplify the recruitment process. These features include applicant tracking, resume screening, interview management, and candidate evaluation. With UKG’s talent acquisition tools, HR teams can efficiently manage job postings, track candidates’ progress, and collaborate seamlessly with hiring managers. This integrated approach enables organizations to identify and hire the best-fit candidates efficiently, saving time and resources.
  5. Offboarding: Ensuring a Smooth Transition
    When an employee decides to leave the organization, offboarding is a critical process to ensure a smooth transition and maintain positive relationships. UKG’s offboarding capabilities facilitate this process by providing HR teams with the tools to manage exit interviews, automate paperwork, revoke system access, and facilitate knowledge transfer. By centralizing offboarding tasks, organizations can ensure compliance, gather valuable feedback, and create a positive offboarding experience for departing employees.


Managing the employee lifecycle effectively is vital for organizations looking to create a positive work environment, improve employee engagement, and drive productivity. UKG offers comprehensive tools and features to streamline and automate various stages of the employee lifecycle, including onboarding, performance management, workforce management, talent acquisition, and offboarding. By leveraging UKG’s capabilities, organizations can enhance efficiency, improve the employee experience, and ultimately achieve their strategic goals. Embracing technology solutions like UKG is a testament to an organization’s commitment to managing their workforce effectively in today’s digital age.

While UKG offers a robust suite of products to manage your employees’ entire lifecycle, configuring and optimizing these features can be challenging for users who do not have a deep familiarity with the system. That’s where Mosaic comes in! If you want to streamline your employee lifecycle and your HR functions, we can help. Reach out to us to chat further about how we can assist you.

As the business landscape continues to evolve, organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of investing in employee training and development. Effective training not only equips employees with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their roles but also boosts morale, engagement, and overall productivity. Many companies are turning to robust Learning Management Systems (LMS) to streamline and optimize this critical aspect of human resources. Among the leading providers in this field, Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG) offers a comprehensive LMS solution that stands out for its ability to enhance the employee training experience. Here’s how UKG’s LMS can revolutionize training programs and benefit employees and organizations alike.

  1. Personalized Learning Paths
    One-size-fits-all training programs are becoming a thing of the past. UKG’s LMS takes training personalization to the next level by allowing organizations to create tailored learning paths for employees. By considering individual skill sets, job roles, and career aspirations, the LMS delivers targeted content and resources that align with each employee’s specific needs. This personalized approach not only enhances engagement but also ensures that employees receive training that is relevant, meaningful, and applicable to their roles.
  2. Flexible Learning Modalities
    Not all employees learn in the same way. UKG’s LMS acknowledges this diversity by offering a range of learning modalities to cater to various preferences and learning styles. Whether employees prefer visual, auditory, or hands-on learning, the LMS provides a variety of options such as video tutorials, interactive modules, webinars, and simulations. By accommodating different learning styles, the LMS promotes better retention, engagement, and overall training effectiveness.
  3. Seamless Collaboration and Social Learning
    Learning is not limited to individual efforts; it often thrives in collaborative environments. UKG’s LMS fosters a sense of community and encourages social learning through features such as discussion boards, forums, and group projects. These collaborative tools enable employees to connect with their peers, share knowledge, ask questions, and learn from one another. By leveraging the power of collective intelligence, organizations can create a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing, resulting in a more engaged and skilled workforce.
  4. Performance Tracking and Assessments
    Understanding the progress and effectiveness of training programs is crucial for both employees and organizations. UKG’s LMS offers robust performance tracking and assessment capabilities, allowing organizations to monitor employee progress, identify areas of improvement, and track skill development over time. Through real-time reporting and analytics, organizations gain valuable insights into training effectiveness, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and continuously improve their training initiatives.
  5. Mobile Access and On-Demand Learning
    In today’s fast-paced world, employees often prefer the flexibility of learning on-the-go and accessing training materials at their convenience. UKG’s LMS addresses this need by providing mobile access to training resources, enabling employees to learn anytime, anywhere. Whether employees are traveling, working remotely, or simply prefer to learn during their downtime, the LMS ensures that training materials are easily accessible and available on-demand. This flexibility empowers employees to take control of their learning journey and encourages a self-directed approach to professional development.

Investing in employee training is no longer optional; it is a strategic imperative for organizations that seek to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. UKG’s Learning Management System (LMS) offers a comprehensive solution that revolutionizes the employee training experience. From personalized learning paths and flexible modalities to collaborative learning and performance tracking, the LMS empowers organizations to create a culture of continuous learning and development. By leveraging UKG’s LMS, companies can enhance employee engagement, improve skill development, and ultimately drive organizational success.

If you need help setting up your LMS module in UKG Pro, reach out to us! Our consultants have expertise in building training programs and can help you customize your system to best serve your employees and your company.

UKG is a leading provider of human capital management (HCM) software solutions that help organizations manage their workforce efficiently. From timekeeping and scheduling to payroll and talent management, UKG software offers a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline HR processes and enhance employee productivity. However, simply implementing UKG software is not enough; optimizing it is equally crucial for clients to reap its full benefits.

In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of optimizing UKG software for clients and explore the key reasons why it should be a top priority for organizations.

  1. Maximizing ROI: Investing in UKG software is a significant financial commitment for organizations. To ensure that the investment pays off, it is essential to optimize the software for maximum return on investment (ROI). By customizing and fine-tuning UKG software to align with an organization’s specific requirements and processes, clients can extract the most value from the software. Optimizing UKG software can result in improved workforce management, enhanced employee engagement, increased compliance, and reduced administrative costs, ultimately leading to a higher ROI.
  2. Tailored Workforce Management: Every organization has unique workforce management needs based on its size, industry, and business goals. Optimizing UKG software allows clients to tailor the system to their specific workforce requirements. This includes configuring scheduling rules, time and attendance policies, leave management, and other features to match the organization’s policies and compliance requirements. A well-optimized UKG system ensures that the workforce is managed efficiently, with the right employees scheduled at the right time, leading to better productivity, employee satisfaction, and customer service.
  3. Enhanced Reporting and Analytics: UKG software offers robust reporting and analytics capabilities that provide insights into various aspects of workforce management and human resources. However, optimizing the software allows clients to fine-tune the reporting and analytics functionalities to align with their unique reporting needs. This can include customizing dashboards, creating personalized reports, and leveraging advanced analytics features. Optimized reporting and analytics enable organizations to gain meaningful insights into their workforce data, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to drive performance improvements.
  4. Improved User Experience: Optimizing UKG software can enhance the overall user experience for both HR administrators and employees. Customizing the system to align with an organization’s branding, policies, and processes can make it more user-friendly and intuitive. This can result in improved adoption rates and higher employee engagement with the software. A well-optimized UKG system simplifies complex HR processes, reduces manual interventions, and automates routine tasks, making it easier for HR administrators to manage the workforce efficiently and for employees to access and use the system for their HR needs.
  5. Keeping Up with Software Updates: UKG regularly releases software updates with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. Optimizing UKG software ensures that clients stay up-to-date with the latest software version, benefiting from the new functionalities and bug fixes. Optimized software also ensures that the system remains compliant with changing regulatory requirements and industry standards, reducing the risk of compliance violations and penalties.
  6. Scalability and Growth: Optimizing UKG software is crucial for organizations that are scaling up or growing rapidly. As organizations expand, their workforce management and human resources needs evolve, and the software must be optimized to accommodate changing requirements. Optimizing UKG software allows clients to scale the system to meet the needs of a growing workforce and adapt to changing business dynamics. This can include configuring the system for new locations, business units, or workforce types, and ensuring that the system is optimized for performance and efficiency even as the organization grows.

Optimizing your UKG software is critical for maximizing the value of your investment and achieving efficient and effective workforce management. Ready to take the plunge into optimizing your system? Mosaic can help! Get in touch to discuss your unique needs.

Value of Automation

Regardless of your industry, automation can help you grow, innovate and succeed. It is a great tool and asset that is constantly improving the way we do business. If you have any process or procedure that can be automated, it is very important that you consider it. Gained time and resources are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of automation. This blog will specifically focus on automation when it comes to UKG Pro HCM and how integrating secondary applications to UKG Pro can benefit you and your team.

What Applications can be Integrated in to UKG Pro?

The applications and business use cases are endless. Some common applications we see integrated with UKG Pro are ancillary HCM applications, Active Directory, Identity and Provisioning Systems, and Learning Management Systems. The sky is the limit. As long as there is a relationship between UKG Pro and the secondary system, an automated integration should be considered.

UKG Pro is the perfect system of record for employee data. A system of record is the ultimate truth. Meaning, it is a great place to have all important employee data and files centralized, so you know that when you are checking UKG Pro, you are checking the place with the most up to date information.

If you currently use systems outside of UKG Pro to manage things like recruiting and onboarding, travel management, learning management, etc., implementing an automated integration can help reduce manual labor, freeing your team to be empowered to focus on innovation and business growth. Automation can also reduce human error and eliminate the potential for fraud. Reducing how many times people interact with data ensures the cleanliness and the integrity of that data.

What Tools do I Have to Integrate and Automate Within UKG Pro?

You have options when it comes to integrating with UKG Pro. You can use different type of integrations and different tools and methods to complete those. We held a webinar on this exact topic, specifically focusing on UKG Pro API capabilities. The video below is a recording of that webinar. In it we review UKG Pro’s capabilities of extracting and importing data as well as different options and use cases for each:

Click here to download the slides so you can follow along.

Important Definitions Regarding Automated Integrations with UKG Pro:

  • API: Technically an API is a set of procedures allowing the creation of applications that remotely access the data and/or features of an application. Think of an API as a door, that allows you to retrieve specific data from the application.
  • API End Point: An API End Point is a URL used in programming that accepts API requests. If an API is door, the API End Point is the door’s address, it guides you to get there. These End Points allow software to request information from an application to be used in a secondary one.
  • Middleware: Middleware is software that acts as a bridge between 2 or more applications. Middleware can bee seen as the middle-ground between two applications that are being integrated, it is where they both speak the same language.
  • Single Direction: Data flowing in single direction
  • Bi-Directional: Data flowing in two directions from an application

Mosaic Consulting Group can help you and your team get the most out of UKG Pro. Contact us today to learn more.

Note: UKG Pro was formerly Ultipro.

UKG Pro puts the power of your organization’s people data at your fingertips. The UKG Pro HCM platform offers you robust capabilities for digging deep into your data to learn more about your business, including trends, gaps, weak points, and opportunities to grow or simply streamline your operations.

UKG Pro can transfer data seamlessly among different platforms, increasing fluency and accuracy in your HRIS data, automate manual processes, and create business intelligence reports that help you make better business decisions. And that’s just the beginning.

There’s so much that UKG Pro can do that you may not be aware of system capabilities you aren’t utilizing. UKG Pro is a significant investment—the more you know about your system and the areas it can help, the better your ROI.

If you have an organizational need – a process that seems cumbersome, data that has to be manually updated, an upcoming audit or seasonal company event that has a great deal of complexity – look first within your UKG Pro system to see what it can do.

You may have just completed a major implementation, or your company may be facing rapid growth, a merger or acquisition; or you may have just lost a key member of your HRIS team who had significant institutional knowledge and you are trying to fill the gap.

The good news is, by asking the right questions, you can almost always find a way that UKG Pro can do more for you.

Watch the recording of our webinar on this topic:

Click here to download the slides used during this webinar.

The First Step: Asking the Right Questions

Whether you are new to UKG Pro or a veteran user, it is important to regularly review your current system and its configuration to make sure it is still the correct set-up for your company. Below is a series of conversation-driven questions you can have with your C-suite leaders, your HRIS team, or end users of the system, to understand your business processes, both current and desired. You can use these questions to guide you in your own optimization projects:

  • Do you find yourself entering the same data multiple times in UKG Pro?
  • Do you regularly run reports in Cognos, then fix the data in Excel, to get the data you need?
    Read our blog on Cognos Analytics to find out more about what Cognos can do for you and your team.
  • Does your data entry require many manual steps before it’s ready for UKG Pro?
  • Are you still processing benefit elections on paper?
  • Do your employees and managers have too much access (or too little access) to the system?
    The right system access may seem like a simple thing, but here’s an example of what can go wrong: a Mosaic client was helping managers get additional access to data on their employees. Working late on a weekend, the client inadvertently assigned Super Admin Access to all company employees. When employees started to find out they had access to C-level salary information, it was too late, and information began to spread like wildfire. While this is an extreme case, are you certain that access given to employees is appropriate? Too much access is just as bad as not enough, in some cases.
  • Does UKG Pro configuration match your business needs and requirements?
    Remember, have UKG Pro work for you – not the other way around! All businesses have their own processes and ways of managing their companies. UKG Pro can be configured to meet those needs in more ways than you may realize. Don’t work for UKG Pro by doing processes manually – make UKG Pro work for you!
  • Do decision makers have the necessary information available to make appropriate business decisions?
  • What types of dashboards and reports do your executives use? How stale is the data being used?
  • Is your executive team making potential life changing decisions on outdated data?
  • Does UKG Pro interface with vendors to provide real-time and accurate data on employees?
    If UKG Pro interfaces with your vendors, that’s great news, but when was the last time the interface was reviewed? Is it working correctly, does it provide the data needed? Or does your team still find themselves manually manipulating data before it is sent off? UKG Pro can save time and effort, reduce the likelihood of human error, and free your team from manual tasks to focus on the highest and best use of their time. For more on UltiPro Interfaces read our blog on UKG Pro Integrations.
  • Does your team have the right tools and knowledge of UKG Pro to support your organization?
  • Are you prepared for an audit? What about a different interruption?
    Some audits may be planned, and others may be a surprise. If the department of labor came to your office, how prepared would your team be and what would they find?

All of these questions will help you assess whether you are getting everything you need out of your UKG Pro system. And the answer isn’t a one-size-fits all: UKG Pro can do different things for different organizations, depending on your need. The key is making sure that you’re using it to full capacity, whatever your strategic business needs.

What is a System Optimization Review?

A good first step to optimize your system is a complete system and process review. Assessing your UKG Pro system is a process that you can undertake on your own, or you can bring in a specialist to help you.

A System and Process Review gives you a comprehensive understanding of the areas that may be underutilized where you can focus to begin optimizing your UKG Pro system

A system review is performed by a seasoned consultant who spends two to three days onsite, on the ground, with your team – C-suite leaders, your HRIS team, IT, and any others who use your UKG Pro system. During this time with your team, the consultant probes to learn about all company processes and configuration, and whether UKG Pro is properly configured to support those processes.

The benefit: you’ll gain a comprehensive view of your current functionality as well as future, best-case functionality, and a road map to get there. Mosaic recommends System and Process Reviews to all clients who wish to ensure their UKG Pro is fully optimized. Click here to read more about how one of our clients benefited from their System Review. Interested in moving forward? Contact us today!

Note: UKG Pro was formerly UltiPro.

Employee-related expenses (salaries, benefits, taxes, etc.) comprise up to 70% of a company’s total operating expenses – which makes leveraging HR technology to make informed business decisions imperative. HR, Finance, and Operations leaders’ ability to use data effectively to move the business forward depends on having a reliable central source for company data, and the ability to seamlessly update and ensure data integrity, in concert, across many different technology platforms.

For many companies, UKG Pro serves as the “system of record” for most employee and organizational data, making it the best and most reliable source to feed systems, vendors, and processes. Integrations help maintain data integrity in internal and external sources, using UKG Pro as the source of truth, for improved accuracy, security, efficiency, compliance, and decision-making.

Watch the recording of our webinar on this topic:

Click here to download the slides used during this webinar.

Why Use Integrations?

Integrations help systems to interact, working with consistent, accurate data among the multiple systems to make informed decisions. Integrations have many benefits, such as enhancing the user experience, improving processes by consolidating data to make it more consumable/actionable, and limiting manual work for your payroll, HR, IT and accounting staff. UKG Pro integrations help free your team of mundane and repeatable tasks to focus on more global and meaningful aspects of your business: your people, your strategy, and the bottom line.

Integrations help data flow from UKG Pro to other systems and to vendors who use employee data to support your company, such as:

  • New hire set-up from your recruiting and applicant tracking system to UKG Pro
  • Hardware procurement and set-up and IT access for new hires
  • Keeping time clock and scheduling system up to date
  • Sending 401(k) demographics and contribution information to a vendor
  • Revoking facility access of an employee upon termination

Which Integration(s) Are Right For Me?

There are many types of integrations to import data into UKG Pro from an external source or to push data out of UKG Pro. Determining the type of integration to deploy will depend on many factors, including:

  • Data fields to be sent/received to/from other system(s)
  • Frequency of the data exchange
  • Resources available (IT resources, staff availability, staff experience)
  • Priority, sensitivity, and security of data being exchanged
  • Restrictions/Capabilities of the UKG Pro integration methods
  • Capabilities and data transfer methods available with external system(s)

In addition to these factors, we recommend a quick review of your business processes to help identify opportunities for an integration.

Integrations can also address security or compliance vulnerabilities. Automatically generating and sending general ledger files to the GL system eliminates the opportunity for manual manipulation the GL files. (manual manipulation of GL files has been used to cover up fraudulent payroll activities.)

An Overview of Various UKG Pro Integrations

UKG provides many methods and tools for integrating UKG Pro with other systems and platforms. Most common integrations fall in the following categories:

  • Web Services/Application Programming Interfaces (API’s) – UKG Pro’s Web Services and APIs are commonly used for integrating with recruiting/applicant tracking systems, Active Directory, and global third party pay, or directly to systems with built-in API functionality. An API runs on an application server – which can be hosted and maintained by your internal IT department, or you may choose cloud-hosted API platforms (such as Cloud Connectors, Mulesoft, or Informatica). You can find documentation on UKG Pro APIs at connect.ultipro.com/documentation#/api.
  • SQL Framework Interfaces – These are custom exports or imports that are built upon UKG’s defined development framework. While these types of interfaces are customized to your (or your vendor’s) specific requirements, they are programmed in a standard method which ensures compatibility with future UKG Pro upgrades. SQL interfaces typically generate text files to send to the system or vendor, and they can be automated to run periodically or run based on triggers (such as payroll close). Common SQL interfaces are 401K Contributions, medical files, HSA/FSA contributions, General Ledger files, and NACHA files.
  • Ultimate Carrier Network (UCN) Interfaces – A UCN interface is an export built and maintained by UKG for a select few large benefits vendors. If the benefit vendor is available as UCN, these interfaces are very cost-effective.
  • Web Import Tool – The web import tool provides a platform for importing data into UKG Pro from third-party systems or files that you develop and controlling the flow of data into UKG Pro Core Web, either manually or automatically.
  • Backoffice Imports/Exports – Backoffice imports and exports are built as templates that allow mapping and logic to create a repeatable process for importing or exporting data into or out of UKG Pro. Common use cases include:  time clock imports, GL exports, and bank NACHA files.

Ultimately, integrations help UKG Pro stay in sync with other applications, vendors, processes and services to improve efficiency, reduce vulnerabilities for fraud and abuse, and help company leaders make more strategic, informed decisions.

Note: UKG was formerly Ultimate Software. UKG Pro was formerly UltiPro.