Are you considering implementing the UKG® product suite for your organization? Look no further. Mosaic, your dedicated certified UKG® Partner with over 12 years of experience, is here to guide you every step of the way.

Our team of 100+ UKG® experts, certified in every UKG® module and product, is ready to ensure your implementation journey is smooth and successful. We understand the complexities and intricacies of such systems, and we’re prepared to support your team.

What sets Mosaic apart is our unique, best-practice-driven implementation methodology. We go beyond the standard approach to tailor your product suite launch to your specific goals and outcomes.

Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect when you partner with Mosaic:

• Strategic Alignment: We’ll work with you to align your implementation strategy, conduct SWOT analyses, and facilitate workshops to understand your unique needs and objectives.

• Review & Recommend: Our experts will provide you with insights and recommendations based on the discovery from workshops. We’ll ensure that any gaps are closed and that integration analysis is solid before moving forward.

• Build: We’ll configure your requirements, handle data conversion, and build the necessary integrations to make your system run seamlessly.

• Test: Rigorous testing is a crucial part of our methodology. We’ll perform system testing, risk management, user acceptance testing, parallel testing, and conduct reconfigurations and additional testing as needed.

• Deploy: Our team will support you through the parallel and cutover phases to ensure a smooth transition.

This comprehensive approach benefits a range of clients, from those new to system implementations to those looking to think outside the box. If you’ve experienced staff turnover, want a fresh perspective on your current system, or simply aren’t sure where to start, Mosaic has your back.

By partnering with Mosaic, you gain access to a team of experts, implementation using best practices and industry standards, and a proven methodology. We’re here to make your UKG product suite implementation a resounding success.

In today’s data-driven world, businesses rely on accurate and efficient data integration to make informed decisions and drive growth. Mosaic’s data conversion services offer a meticulous and tailored approach to seamlessly integrate third-party or legacy data into UKG Pro CORE, unleashing the full potential of your data resources.

Understanding Data Conversion

What is Data Conversion?

Data conversion is the process of harmoniously merging third-party or legacy data into the UKG Pro CORE system, using specialized UKG data conversion templates. Conversely, it can also involve extracting data from UKG Pro CORE, as specified in our comprehensive Service Offerings. While our MCG Tech Team excels at transforming data into the UKG ecosystem, it’s essential to note that data conversion from UKG to third-party systems is not within our scope. However, we do provide standard UKG Exit Files, which are detailed in the UKG Exit Files Export Definition section.

Our approach is built on flexibility, and we are open to exceptions when clients provide templates or specific requirements. In such cases, we can create tailored SQL extraction processes that align with each client’s unique needs. It’s crucial to be aware that UKG restricts database access for certain modules, including Recruiting/Onboarding, UTA, and UTM, both for conversion and extraction purposes. This limitation defines our operational boundaries in these specific areas.

Our Service Offerings

Our data conversion services cover a wide range of offerings to ensure a comprehensive data integration process. Some of our key services include:

Source Data Mapping: Analyzing and converting masterfiles for US and CAD/Global clients.
Opening Balance Conversion: Conducting tests and final conversions for US and CAD clients.
Additional Data Conversion: Handling job/salary history, status history, review history, contacts, dependents, beneficiaries, documents, EE photo extraction and loading, UKG exit files, and company transfers (year-end only).

Why Partner with Mosaic?

UKG Expertise: Whether you’re transitioning from legacy systems or harnessing the power of UKG Pro CORE, we have the expertise to facilitate a streamlined and tailored approach that matches your unique needs.
Commitment to Excellence: Our commitment to excellence ensures that your data conversion process is efficient, accurate, and compliant with UKG standards.
Adaptability: We understand that every business is unique, and we are flexible in accommodating exceptions and specific requirements to meet your data integration goals.

Get Started Today

Seamless data integration is essential for your business to thrive in a competitive landscape. Partner with Mosaic to unlock the full potential of your data resources and take your data journey to the next level.

Contact Us: to learn more about how Mosaic’s data conversion services can transform your data integration processes and drive business success.

To keep up with changing business demands, new technology, and employee expectations, organizations are constantly seeking innovative ways to streamline and optimize their operations. One area that plays a pivotal role in any company’s success is human resources and payroll management. HR and payroll processes are not only essential for employee satisfaction and compliance but also for driving overall organizational efficiency. UKG is a leader in helping businesses manage their HCM functions with its unified platform designed to revolutionize HR and payroll processes.

  1. Understanding UKG’s Unified Platform:
    UKG’s unified platform is an integrated solution that combines HR, payroll, timekeeping, and workforce management functionalities into one powerful system. By centralizing all HR-related processes, UKG empowers businesses to manage their workforce more efficiently and effectively. This unified approach simplifies complex tasks and ensures seamless communication between HR teams, managers, and employees.
  2. Streamlining HR Operations:
    The first major benefit of UKG’s unified platform lies in its ability to streamline HR operations. By providing a single source of truth for employee data, HR professionals can access real-time information and make informed decisions quickly. The platform automates routine tasks such as onboarding, offboarding, and performance evaluations, freeing up HR teams to focus on strategic initiatives and employee development.

    Moreover, UKG’s platform facilitates comprehensive talent management, enabling organizations to identify high-potential employees, track career progression, and implement effective succession planning. These features not only boost employee engagement but also contribute to the long-term success of the company.

  3. Simplifying Payroll Processing:
    Payroll processing can be a cumbersome and time-consuming task for businesses of all sizes. UKG’s unified platform simplifies this process by automating payroll calculations, tax deductions, and other compliance-related tasks. With real-time data integration, HR and payroll teams can ensure accurate and timely salary disbursements while remaining compliant with ever-changing tax regulations.

    Additionally, the platform offers self-service capabilities for employees, allowing them to access their pay stubs, update personal information, and submit time-off requests conveniently. This reduces the administrative burden on HR and fosters a sense of transparency and trust within the workforce.

  4. Enhancing Employee Experience:
    A satisfied and engaged workforce is the foundation of any successful organization. UKG’s unified platform contributes to enhancing the employee experience by providing self-service tools and mobile access. Employees can easily manage their time and attendance, review their benefits, and participate in training programs through the platform.

    Furthermore, the platform’s data-driven insights empower managers to recognize and address potential issues proactively. By having a holistic view of employee performance and satisfaction, managers can identify areas for improvement and implement targeted initiatives to boost productivity and morale.

  5. Ensuring Compliance and Security:
    With evolving labor laws and regulations, HR and payroll compliance is a significant concern for businesses. UKG’s unified platform adheres to the highest security and privacy standards, safeguarding sensitive employee data. Moreover, the platform automatically updates tax and labor regulations, minimizing the risk of compliance errors and penalties.

UKG’s unified platform is a game-changer for organizations seeking to enhance their HR and payroll processes. By streamlining operations, simplifying payroll processing, and prioritizing the employee experience, businesses can achieve higher levels of productivity, compliance, and overall success. With UKG’s cutting-edge solution, HR professionals can shift their focus from administrative tasks to strategic endeavors, driving lasting positive change within their organizations. If you’re looking to revolutionize your HR and payroll management, consider embracing UKG’s unified platform for a more efficient and integrated future. We can help you get started! Reach out to us to learn more.

Implementing new software is a complex process requiring careful planning, coordination, and a deep understanding of the organization’s needs. When it comes to software like UKG, successful implementation can significantly streamline HR processes and improve overall efficiency. In this blog post, we will delve into the challenges faced during the implementation of UKG Software and the strategies to overcome them.

  1. Defining Clear Objectives:
    One of the crucial steps in implementing UKG is to define clear objectives. Our consultants emphasize the importance of understanding the specific needs and goals of the organization. This involves conducting a thorough analysis of current HR processes, identifying areas that need improvement, and aligning these objectives with the capabilities of the UKG Software. By setting clear and measurable objectives, organizations can better track their progress and ensure a successful implementation.
  2. Communication and Change Management:
    Implementing new software often involves a significant change in workflows and processes. Effective communication and change management strategies are essential to overcome resistance and ensure a smooth transition. Our consultants recommend involving key stakeholders from the early stages of implementation, providing comprehensive training and support, and addressing any concerns or misconceptions about the software. Regular communication, workshops, and feedback sessions can help employees embrace the change and understand the benefits of the UKG software.
  3. Data Migration and Integration:
    Data migration and integration can pose significant challenges during a UKG implementation. Our team members stress the importance of data accuracy, cleanliness, and compatibility between existing systems and the UKG system. A comprehensive data migration plan should be developed, including data mapping, validation, and cleansing processes. It is advisable to involve IT experts and consultants to ensure a seamless transfer of data and integration with other systems.
  4. Customization and Configuration:
    UKG software offers a range of features and modules that can be customized to meet the unique needs of each organization. However, customization requires careful planning and consideration. We recommend conducting a thorough analysis of existing HR processes and workflows to determine which customizations are necessary. It is crucial to strike a balance between customization and standardization to avoid overcomplicating the system and future upgrade challenges.
  5. Ongoing Support and Continuous Improvement:
    Successful implementation of UKG software is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. It’s important to provide continuous support to end-users, monitor system performance, and address any issues that may arise. Regular training sessions, user forums, and helpdesk support can help organizations maximize the benefits of the software. Additionally, organizations should embrace a culture of continuous improvement, actively seeking feedback from users and leveraging updates and new features provided by UKG.

Implementing UKG software can transform HR processes, improve efficiency, and enhance overall organizational performance. By addressing challenges through careful planning, effective communication, and ongoing support, organizations can successfully implement UKG products and leverage their full potential. UKG consultants play a vital role in guiding organizations through this process, ensuring a seamless transition, and empowering HR teams to focus on strategic initiatives. If you’d like to leverage our expertise of best practices, get in touch! We’d love to have a conversation with you.

Implementing UKG software in your organization can bring significant benefits in terms of streamlining HR and workforce management processes. However, a successful implementation requires careful planning, effective data migration, comprehensive employee training, and robust change management strategies. In this blog post, we will explore the best practices for implementing UKG software, ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing the potential of this powerful workforce management solution.

Define Clear Objectives and Scope
Before embarking on the implementation journey, it is crucial to define clear objectives and scope for the UKG software implementation. Identify the specific pain points you aim to address and the goals you want to achieve with the new system. This will help you set realistic expectations and ensure alignment across the organization.

Thoroughly Assess and Prepare Your Data
Data migration is a critical aspect of implementing UKG software. Begin by assessing the quality and completeness of your existing data. Cleanse and standardize the data to ensure accuracy and consistency. Collaborate with stakeholders from different departments to gather their specific data requirements. Establish data mapping and transformation processes to facilitate a smooth migration to the new system.

Engage Key Stakeholders
Involving key stakeholders from various departments early in the implementation process is vital for a successful outcome. Their input and buy-in are crucial for aligning the software’s capabilities with your organization’s specific needs. Engage stakeholders through regular communication, workshops, and training sessions to ensure their concerns and expectations are addressed.

Plan and Prioritize Configuration
UKG software offers a wide range of configuration options to cater to diverse organizational needs. Create a detailed configuration plan based on your specific requirements. Prioritize the configuration tasks based on their impact and complexity. Leverage the expertise of UKG implementation consultants and your internal team to ensure optimal configuration that aligns with your organization’s processes and workflows.

Develop Comprehensive Training Programs
To maximize the benefits of UKG software, invest in comprehensive training programs for all users. Develop a training curriculum that covers both system functionality and process-specific training. Consider different learning styles and preferences, such as e-learning modules, instructor-led sessions, and job aids. Offer ongoing training and support to help users adapt to the new system and leverage its full potential.

Test and Validate
Before rolling out the UKG software across your organization, conduct thorough testing to validate its functionality and configuration. Perform end-to-end testing scenarios to ensure that all workflows, rules, and integrations are functioning as expected. Involve end-users in the testing process to gather feedback and address any issues or gaps before the final implementation.

Establish Change Management Strategies
Change management is crucial to the success of any software implementation. Create a comprehensive change management plan that includes communication, training, and ongoing support. Engage employees at all levels, addressing their concerns and providing opportunities for feedback. Ensure effective communication of the benefits of the new system and how it aligns with the organization’s strategic goals. Celebrate milestones and successes to maintain motivation and engagement during the implementation process.

Monitor, Evaluate, and Optimize
After the UKG software is implemented, it is important to monitor its performance and evaluate its impact on your organization. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the system’s effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Leverage UKG’s reporting and analytics capabilities to gain insights and make data-driven decisions. Regularly assess and optimize your configuration and processes to ensure ongoing alignment with your evolving business needs.

If this seems like a lot, that’s because it is! Undergoing a UKG implementation is a time-consuming process, but when configured to your organization’s unique needs, the system’s pay-off is incredible.

Keep in mind that if you are planning to enlist expert support for your UKG implementation (which we definitely recommend doing!), your implementation partner should guide you through each of these steps, helping to minimize the work on your end and ensuring that your system is set up for success. If you’d like to discuss how Mosaic can help you with each step of the implementation process, get in touch! We’d love to chat about the challenges you’re experiencing and your goals with the UKG system.

Deciding to implement UKG’s human capital management (HCM) software at your organization is a huge step toward better managing your people data and automating your procedures. It involves integrating the software into your existing systems and processes, and while each implementation is unique, there are some common steps and considerations that organizations should be aware of before embarking on a UKG implementation.

  1. Understanding the scope of the implementation:Before starting an implementation, it’s important to identify the scope of the project. This includes defining the modules and features that will be implemented and the specific requirements of the organization. A clear understanding of the scope will help to avoid scope creep and ensure that the project stays on track.
  2. Project planning and timelines:UKG implementation requires a comprehensive project plan with timelines and milestones. It’s important to involve all stakeholders in the project planning process to ensure that everyone is on the same page. This includes HR, payroll, IT, and other departments that may be impacted by the implementation.
  3. Data migration and integration:Data migration is a critical component of any UKG implementation. This involves transferring existing data from legacy systems to the new UKG platform. It’s important to ensure that the data is accurate, complete, and meets the requirements of the new system. Integration with other systems, such as accounting software, is also an important consideration.
  4. Configuration and customization:UKG’s HCM software is highly configurable, allowing organizations to tailor the system to their specific needs. It’s important to work with a UKG implementation partner, like Mosaic, to determine the optimal configuration for the organization. Customization can also be done to meet specific requirements that are not met by the out-of-the-box configuration.
  5. Training and support:Training and support are critical components of a successful UKG implementation. It’s important to ensure that all users are trained on the new system and understand how to use it. UKG provides training materials and resources to help with this process. If UKG’s training isn’t sufficient, Mosaic offers a more comprehensive and customizable training option that may better suit your needs.
  6. Testing and go-live:Before going live, it’s important to conduct thorough testing to ensure that the new system is working as expected. This includes testing all functionality and integrations to other systems. Once testing is complete, the go-live process can begin. This involves transitioning from the legacy systems to the new UKG system.

A UKG implementation can be a complex process, but with proper planning, preparation, and execution, it can be a highly successful project that streamlines HR and payroll processes and improves organizational efficiency. Working with a UKG implementation partner can help to ensure that the implementation is completed on time, within budget, and meets the specific needs of the organization. To talk with one of our experts about how Mosaic can help with your implementation, please reach out to us!

Choosing the right UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group) implementation partner can make or break the success of your HR system. An experienced implementation partner can help you ensure a smooth implementation, minimize disruption to your business, and ensure that your new HR system meets your organization’s needs. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing the best UKG implementation partner for your organization:

  1. Experience: The first thing to consider when choosing a UKG implementation partner is their experience. You want a partner that has experience working with organizations like yours and has successfully implemented UKG solutions. Ask potential partners for examples of their work and case studies of similar projects they have worked on.
  2. Technical Expertise: The implementation partner you choose should have a team of technical experts with a deep understanding of UKG software. They should be able to provide guidance on best practices for implementation, help you configure your system, and troubleshoot any technical issues that arise during the implementation process.
  3. Project Management Skills: A successful UKG implementation requires effective project management. Your implementation partner should have a project manager who can keep the project on track, manage timelines, and ensure that all stakeholders are informed and involved throughout the implementation process.
  4. Communication Skills: Clear communication is essential during any implementation project. Your implementation partner should have strong communication skills and be able to communicate effectively with all stakeholders, including your internal IT team and end-users. They should provide regular updates on the project’s progress and be responsive to any questions or concerns that arise.
  5. Training and Support: A successful implementation doesn’t end with go-live. Your implementation partner should provide comprehensive training and ongoing support to ensure that your team can effectively use and maintain the new system. They should offer training for administrators, managers, and end-users, as well as provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that your system continues to meet your organization’s needs.
  6. Cultural Fit: Finally, it’s important to choose an implementation partner that is a good cultural fit for your organization. They should understand your organization’s values, goals, and challenges and be able to work collaboratively with your internal team to achieve a successful implementation.

The success of your new HR system depends on your UKG implementation partner. By considering these key factors, you can choose a partner who understands your needs and has the expertise and resources to help you reach your end goals.

Want to learn more about how Mosaic can help with your implementation? Connect with us.

If your team is used to UKG Workforce Central, it may be frustrating to hear that it’s being sunset by 2025. But change doesn’t have to be daunting. We’re here to help! Workforce Dimensions is similar to Workforce Central, with easy-to-use tools and simplified processes. Let us help you make the transition smoothly and efficiently without disrupting your team’s experience.

We’ve identified key steps to ensure a successful migration from Workforce Central to Workforce Dimensions:

    1. Exhale Stress, Inhale Organizational Change Management (OCM) – The most important thing you can do is design a solid change management plan. This means road mapping your migration project from start to finish. Like the classic Candyland map, you will want to design your plan with your main objectives and key results in mind. Like little gumdrop markers in our favorite sugary game, define your sweet, sweet metrics of success on your journey to the go-live date.
    2. Make a Company-Wide Announcement– The moment you finalize your decision to make the change from Workforce Central to Workforce Dimensions is the moment to announce that the change is coming. The sooner you loop in your organization, the better. Support starts with end users, so we recommend communications that highlight how easy this switch will be.
    3. Identify Subject Matter Experts – Nominate the Subject Matter Experts who will be involved in the migration. These should be the people who know your organization’s processes like the back of their hand. Subject Matter Experts will help lead the implementation of your Workforce Dimensions system by guiding an implementation team, like Mosaic, through knowledge transfer sessions. Understanding is key, and your SMEs will play a big part in making sure all your system needs and requirements are captured during the data gathering and development phases of your project.
    4. Define Current State and Desired Future State– Understanding your objectives and desired key results is an important part of tailoring your Workforce Dimensions system to meet your needs. We suggest documenting how you are currently using your existing system to complete your daily, weekly, monthly, and annual tasks. No detail is too small! Define processes that you currently struggle with, and areas in which you’d like to improve. Leave no stone unturned!
    5. Test, Test, Test!– Testing is the time to “fact check” your new Workforce Dimensions build! Our UKG Solution Design teams like to tell people to “try to break the system”! Testing is a time to throw everything you have at the new system to make sure it meets all your needs and checks all your boxes. When you start your migration project, we recommend asking your SMEs to organize a list of daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to use as a guide through testing. Not only will this help you map out your current state processes at project start, but it also helps your team start to translate old processes to new practices and processes as they start completing their tasks in UKG Dimensions.
    6. Get Your Team Excited to Learn New Things– Training is a critical piece of the puzzle when launching a new system. Inform your staff early on that a new system training will be required but doesn’t have to be overwhelming. We suggest exploring a custom training program designed to teach your staff how to use UKG Dimensions in a way that caters to their specific learning style. Whether it’s a training curriculum tailor-made for you by Mosaic or a series of internal seminars, taking the time to teach users how to navigate the new system makes all the difference.

To ensure a smooth migration to UKG Dimensions, communicate frequently with updates and check-ins for stakeholders. Emphasize the benefits of the upgrade and encourage self-discovery of new features. Our Solution Design Team can provide expert help with best-practice processes. Mosaic will guide you to success with bite-sized details and attainable deadlines. Connect with us for a hassle-free experience.