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Mosaic Wins Partner Collaboration, MVPP Awards from Ultimate Software
Mosaic NewsMosaic Consulting Group, LLC won double honors at a recent Ultimate Software Conference, bringing home the Partner Collaboration Award and the MVPP (Most Valuable Partner Peep) Award. The Partner Collaboration Award is Mosaic’s second such honor from Ultimate Software, having won the award for the first time in 2015. The MVPP award is Mosaic’s first, […]
Mosaic Welcomes New Vice President of Client Services Kristen Baker
Mosaic NewsMosaic Consulting Group, LLC, a Nashville-based HR technology consulting firm, has hired Kristen Baker as Vice President of Client Services. Baker comes to Mosaic following nearly 20 years in client service, strategic planning, finance, data analytics and customer relations. She joins Mosaic from Ultimate Software, where she most recently served as Partner Channel Manager, responsible […]
System Optimization: Telltale Signs Your UKG Pro System Isn’t Optimized
Optimization, UKG ProUKG Pro puts the power of your organization’s people data at your fingertips. The UKG Pro HCM platform offers you robust capabilities for digging deep into your data to learn more about your business, including trends, gaps, weak points, and opportunities to grow or simply streamline your operations. UKG Pro can transfer data seamlessly among […]
UKG Pro Integrations: Files, Data and API’s, Oh My!
Optimization, Strategy, UKG ProEmployee-related expenses (salaries, benefits, taxes, etc.) comprise up to 70% of a company’s total operating expenses – which makes leveraging HR technology to make informed business decisions imperative. HR, Finance, and Operations leaders’ ability to use data effectively to move the business forward depends on having a reliable central source for company data, and the […]
Culture by Design: Keeping Culture Alive With a Remote Workforce
Company Culture, HRCulture doesn’t just happen. It must be developed, nurtured and maintained in an intentional way – especially when majority of your workforce is remote, behind a screen, in their home or home office, or possibly sitting in an airport while traveling to a meet a client. Remote work has become increasingly popular in the United […]
The Many Moving Parts of a Successful Year End
HR, Strategy, Yearly PlanningWhat is Year End? Well, it means different things to different people and parts of your organization. If you’re in Human Resources, Year End means getting ready for a new benefit year with Open Enrollment, reviewing policies to make sure they are in compliance with new laws, and fielding last- minute questions from employees about […]