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Prior Year Adjustments and W-2Cs
HRWhat is a W-2C? The short answer: A W-2C is a corrected version of the W-2 form. As simple as that! (not really…) Most employees will never see a W-2C, but they are needed occasionally. Let’s explore when they are needed, the information you enter in UKG Pro that will trigger a W-2C, what you need to […]
Simplify Your Year End
HR, Strategy, Yearly PlanningThe end of the year is a busy time for most industries, not to mention in our personal lives. Make your Year End easier with the following tips from Mosaic’s very own Year End Subject Matter Expert Aimée Morgan! Year End Tips and Tricks: Start By Setting Up Your Rockstar Team Regardless of the size of […]
10 Questions to Answer Before Open Enrollment
HR, Yearly PlanningOpen Enrollment is just around the corner… Mosaic can help Before you start your Open Enrollment process, be sure to get together with your team and answer the following questions: 1. When is the Open Enrollment going to be live? Start with a clear schedule and make sure everyone on the team is on the same […]
Millennials in the Workplace
Company CultureWe all hear a lot about the impact of Millennials, right? They’re changing the way we recruit and hire, market ourselves, and do business. This is one influential group! And we have our share at Mosaic: did you know we have 16 Millennials – people born after 1982 – on staff? That’s 30% of our […]
Mosaic Receives Ultimate Software Partner Collaboration Award
Mosaic NewsDuring the Ultimate Software Sales Kickoff meeting in January, Mosaic Consulting Group received the Partner Collaboration Award, one of only three awards presented to Ultimate’s Alliance Partners. As an Alliance Partner, Mosaic Consulting Group is among a select group of organizations in the Ultimate Software Ecosystem. Per “Ultimate Software’s Service partners are select group […]