Entries by Yevhen Korenevskyi

Mastering the Art of Networking: Building Meaningful Connections at Social Events

Greetings, networking enthusiasts! We’ve all been there – navigating the delicate balance of business interactions at social events without coming off as too pushy. Fear not, as we’ve uncovered the secret to seamlessly networking in more relaxed settings. Discover these friendly tips that will not only help you make connections but also advance your career. […]

The Power of 1%: Transforming Your Life, One Tiny Step at a Time

Hey there, goal-getters! Today, we’re diving into the fascinating realm of the 1% rule – a game-changer that can revolutionize your life and catapult your results. Intrigued? Let’s explore how this seemingly modest percentage can make a significant impact on your journey to success. Unveiling the 1% Rule: Small Changes, Big Results Ever wondered if […]


Your Guide to UKG Full Suite Implementation with Mosaic

Thinking about diving into the world of UKG product suite implementation? Look no further – Mosaic is your dedicated UKG partner with 12+ years of expertise. We’re not just consultants; we’re your pals on this transformative journey. Why Choose Mosaic? 1. Certified UKG Experts: • We’ve got a team of over 100 UKG experts, certified […]

Navigate Success in HR: 20 Essential Leadership Keys

Hello future HR leaders! Thinking about stepping into the world of human resources leadership? Exciting times await! But before you embark on this rewarding journey, here are 20 key tips to set you up for success and make a meaningful impact. 1. Soft Skills Matter: Being a successful HR leader is all about real connections. […]

Compassion: The Unseen Driver of High-Performance Teams

In today’s competitive business landscape, attracting and retaining top talent is a constant challenge for leaders striving to achieve outstanding results. Surprisingly, the key to building a high-performance team lies not in relentless pressure but in embracing compassion as a fundamental leadership quality. In the current economic climate, where the focus on bottom-line results can […]

Cracking the Code: Applying for Jobs Beyond Your Qualifications

Have you ever spotted a job opportunity that piqued your interest but felt like you might lack a few of the desired qualifications? The question looms – should you go ahead and apply anyway? The answer is often a resounding “yes.” Certainly, there are exceptions, such as roles requiring very specific expertise like being an […]


Ready for Change? Mosaic Makes UKG Implementation Easy

Are you considering implementing the UKG® product suite for your organization? Look no further. Mosaic, your dedicated certified UKG® Partner with over 12 years of experience, is here to guide you every step of the way. Our team of 100+ UKG® experts, certified in every UKG® module and product, is ready to ensure your implementation […]

Why Emotional Intelligence Matters in Job Interviews

When aiming to showcase your emotional intelligence in a job interview, it’s essential to understand that this quality is highly valued by employers. Here’s how you can effectively convey your emotional intelligence during the interview process: Demonstrating Self-Awareness and Accountability: Interviewers often ask about a time you made a mistake. Rather than just describing the […]

Streamlining Your Business with HR Outsourcing

In today’s fast-paced business world, efficient HR management is crucial for success. Organizations often find themselves juggling a multitude of HR tasks and responsibilities, which can be overwhelming. That’s where HR outsourcing services come into play, offering a streamlined solution to handle the day-to-day administrative needs while allowing your in-house team to focus on the […]

Why a Friendly Smile Matters in Recruiting

As job seekers embark on their quest for the perfect career opportunity, the role of a recruiter takes center stage in this pivotal journey. The interaction between candidates and recruiters isn’t just a formality; it can significantly impact the candidate’s perception of the job and the company. In this blog post, we explore why recruiter […]